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AUSTRALIA - McManus faces up to 14 years in prison after guilty plea

AUSTRALIA - McManus faces up to 14 years in prison after guilty plea

Promoter Andrew McManus could face a lengthy jail term after pleading guilty to attempting to pervert the course of justice in relation to a suitcase containing A$702,000 ($539,107), which was seized by police.

McManus, founder of One World Entertainment based in Richmond, has been embroiled in an investigation involving the money since 2011, when the suitcase was found by police in a Hilton Hotel room in Sydney, following an anonymous tip-off.

He claimed the cash was part of a business deal arranged with his friend US businessman Owen Hanson Jnr to secure a ZZ Top tour, however McManus needed the money to fund a Lenny Kravitz tour.

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Posted on: 27/09/2016Categories: News from Audience Magazine

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