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BELGIUM - Performance royalty tariff rise 'an attack' on industry

BELGIUM - Performance royalty tariff rise 'an attack' on industry

The decision by performance rights organisation Societe d'Auteurs Belge Auteurs Maatschappij (SABAM) to increase the tariff for festivals and concerts has been met with anger by industry figures.

SABAM has laid out plans to implement a tariff rise, which will see festivals generating more than €3.2 million ($3.6m) moving from a 2.5 per cent rate to 3.5 per cent, from 1 January. Concerts bringing in over €400,000 ($450,000) will also have to pay 5.75 per cent, instead of the current 4.5 per cent.

"I think it is the wrong decision as they have already had their increase over the last 15 years due to increasing ticket prices," Live Nation Belgium (LNB) head Herman Schueremans tells Audience. Schueremans also founded and runs Rock Werchter (cap. 87,000) for LNB.

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Posted on: 27/09/2016Categories: News from Audience Magazine

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