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Spotify announces Starbucks alliance

Spotify announces Starbucks alliance

Ahead of its big announcement tomorrow, Spotify today confirmed an alliance with Starbucks in the US – set to extend to the UK and Canada – which will result in a "first-of-its-kind music ecosystem". That may or may not incorporate some well fit video goodness, depending on what tomorrow's big Spotify announcement turns out to be. Imagine if it's all about tea. Anyway, back to today's news, and what will this "first-of-its-kind music ecosystem" involve? Mainly Starbucks-branded playlists on Spotify and the chance for Starbucks loyalty card holders to influence the music being played in the coffee seller's stores. But with lots of froth and not much tax being paid, I'd imagine.

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Posted on: 21/05/2015Categories: News from CMU Online

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