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Wold’s largest music stream ripping site faces international legal action

Wold’s largest music stream ripping site faces international legal action

Organisations representing record companies in the US and UK took legal action today against, the world's largest site dedicated to offering illegally "stream ripped" music. Both the site and its operator have generated millions of dollars without paying any remuneration to artists and rights holders. The activities also breach YouTube's Terms of Service.

Stream ripping is the process of 'ripping' or creating a downloadable file from content that is available to stream online. It is often done with music videos, to create copies of tracks that can be downloaded and listened to offline or on other devices.
IFPI Chief Executive Frances Moore said: "This is a coordinated action to protect the rights of artists and labels from the blatant infringements of YouTube-mp3, the world's single-largest 'stream ripping' site.

"Music companies and digital services today offer fans more options than ever before to listen to music legally, when and where they want to do so – over hundreds of services with scores of millions of tracks – all while compensating artists and labels. Stream ripping sites should not be allowed jeopardise this."

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Posted on: 27/09/2016Categories: News from RotD

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