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Dozens of companies caught in Guildhall

Dozens of companies caught in Guildhall

MORE THAN 250 creditors are owed in excess of £4.5 million by the former operator of the Preston Guildhall (cap. 2,034) and Charter Theatre (780) complex, following its collapse into administration in June.

Among the many suppliers, show productions and promoters owed money are music industry companies including Primary Talent International which is owed £20,550, Live Nation Entertainment (£10,000), and Triple A Entertainment Group (£78,000).

An act represented by Mark Lundquist Management Concerts (MLM) is owed almost £11,000 for a show that played the venue.

"The venue's looked dodgy for a couple of years and I'm surprised the artist we handle wanted to go back," says MLM CEO Mark Lundquist. "After the first show we did there in September 2017, we had to serve a summons to get paid and we did receive the money but it took about six months. I saw the warning signs after that."

The complex closed its doors in May and went into administration the following month.

The venue was bought from the council for £1 in November 2014 by local businessman Simon Rigby, after he promised to redevelop and broaden its appeal.

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Posted on: 29/08/2019Categories: News from Live UK

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