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Domino Recording Co – UK Head of Marketing (London)

Domino Recording Co – UK Head of Marketing (London)

Based in our London office, Domino Recording Company seeks a full time UK Head of Marketing. The successful candidate should be an exceptional and innovative Marketeer with six years minimum experience delivering marketing campaigns in the UK to the highest level.

Bridging the DSP, Project Management and marketing teams, the candidate will be the central conduit for marketing best practise and communications. This is a unique opportunity to drive forward marketing innovation and strategy at one of the world's leading independent record companies.

Core responsibilities

• To originate and execute marketing campaign strategies across Domino's unique roster building campaigns out of the UK and their rollout to our international and American teams
• Liaising closely with artist teams, A&R, project management, international, marketing and DSP teams
• Working alongside UK PM's and in close conjunction with the UK GM, ensure marketing best practise and strategy
• To oversee the digital marketing team across digital advertising strategy, data strategy, and social strategy and asset creation team day to day
• To keep an outward focus, watch market trends in the area of marketing, digital and technology, make connections for the business and bring knowledge into the company that is applicable to our artist marketing campaigns

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Posted on: 26/09/2019Categories: Music Industry Jobs

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