Established in Warsaw in 1988, Craftman is the leading professional sound, light and backline company In Poland. For over 25 years we have provided backline for major artists and bands. We have a wide range of well-maintained equipment, brands include Yamaha, DW, Zildjian, Sabian, Fender, Marshall, Peavey, Ampeg, SWR, Roland, Clavia, Korg, Hammond & Leslie and many more. All our backline travels in flightcases or hardcases. The gear is tested and ready to use.
We offer a broad range of sound amplification and lighting services to handle concerts, events, theatre performances, conferences, banquets etc. We provide PA systems for live events, we use brand new d&b V series.
CRAFTMAN professional sound, light and backline:
Best equipment
On the scene for over 25 years.
Backline & Musical Instrument Hire, Lighting, Design & Hire, PA Hire