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Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane?

Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane?

Dust off that spandex and hose down those Y-fronts, because ILMC is back... and this time it's super!

The 27th edition of the invitation-only event will once again take place in London, at the Royal Garden Hotel, welcoming over 1,000 of the leading heroes and villains of the live music world.

In response to delegate feedback, the schedule of ILMC is shifting forward, running from Thursday evening to late afternoon on Sunday. So in addition to the usual galaxy of events, panels, entertainment, networking, dinners and awards, ILMC 27 will see more changes than Superman's telephone box...

Like the best superhero outfits, space is at a premium at ILMC. The conference always sells out in advance, so it's advisable to sign up quickly, or you might end up fighting an impenetrable force field to try and get in.

All the information you need is here, and we'll be updating you with regular eNews bulletins and in forthcoming issues of IQ Magazine.

So join the Intergalactic League of Music Crimefighters, prepare to meet and do battle in London in March, and add an extra dimension to your live music world.

Can't wait to get started? Register here.

Posted on: 25/02/2015Categories: Industry Event News

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