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PRS Foundation's 'Keychange' to announce 60 female artists and innovators at Reeperbahn Festival

PRS Foundation's 'Keychange' to announce 60 female artists and innovators at Reeperbahn Festival

PRS Foundation's 'Keychange' to announce 60 female artists and innovators at Reeperbahn FestivalIntroducing Keychange: a collaborative European programme led by PRS Foundation which empowers women to transform the music industry. Supporting 60 participants from across Europe, who will come together to form a network of female music creators and industry innovators, Keychange features a series of showcases, discussions, collaborations and a programme of creative labs at seven international festivals.

Spanning two years and backed by an innovation fund to help test new projects and ideas, Keychange will culminate in a final event in Brussels at the European Parliament in 2019, at which Keychange partners will present a manifesto for change.

PRS Foundation will unveil the Keychange participants for this ground breaking programme at Hamburg's Reeperbahn Festival on Friday 22nd September at 10.00am.

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Posted on: 14/09/2017Categories: News from RotD

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